Sunday 22 January 2017

a Nigerian man who raped 5neighbours in village

A man raped his daughter and killed his wife in Nigeria Her name was Nyalaat. I had only just started my periods and recently gone through secret society. The rebels said that they wanted to take me away. They lined up, waiting for their turn and watched while I was being raped vaginally and in my anus. Then they told me to undress. I was the only young woman and the RUF accused me of having an SLA husband. I am still in pain and have a problem with vaginal discharge. I can no longer control my bladder or bowels as I was torn below… I had an operation in 2000 but it did not work. Then they told me to undress. The first time I was raped by six soldiers, and the second night this happened I was raped by four soldiers. “I was hiding in the bush with my parents and two older women when the RUF found our hiding place. I was still a virgin. This went on for many days. I was bleeding a lot from my vagina and anus and was in so much pain. The rebels threatened to kill me if I cried. Egyptian law proclaims that “Whoever surprises his wife in the act of adultery and kills her on the spot together with her adulterer-partner shall be punished with detention,” rather than the typically ascribed 20 years of hard labor for murder. I could only see blood.” Then the men took turns with Mary. The rebels did not use their real names and wore ski masks so only their eyes were visible. … At night I couldn't sleep because I often saw guards come and take the youngest girls away. I was raped by the ten rebels, one after the other. I can’t remember how many times and how many soldiers raped me. I was kept as a porter in October. I had only just started my periods and recently gone through secret society. One of the child combatants was about twelve years. My mother pleaded with them, saying that I was her only child and to leave me with her. My mother washed me in warm water and salt but I bled for three days. “I wanted to die too.”. … Two times I had to carry separately from the rest of the group, and ended up alone in the forest with the soldiers at night. Then more soldiers came and raped me. There were ten rebels, including four child soldiers, armed with two RPGs and AK-47s. Human Rights Watch reports the testimony of the testimony of R.T., who was about 16 when she was raped by 10 RUF rebels in the forest in January 1997: “I was hiding in the bush with my parents and two older women when the RUF found our hiding place. There were ten rebels, including four child soldiers, armed with two RPGs and AK-47s. Before 2009, a man who killed his wife, sister, daughter or mother when catching her in an “illegitimate sexual act” was exempt from punishment. “They said they would only rape us. When the men were done, Mary says, “I couldn’t even see my little girl anymore. “We don’t kill the women and the girls,” the soldiers told Mary. One of the soldiers said, "We will teach you a lesson." I lost consciousness that day and when I came to, I realized I had been raped. Both times the soldiers came to me and beat me, showed me their guns to keep me quiet, and then raped me. The rebels threatened to kill me if I cried. The rebels said that ‘If we do not take your daughter, we will either rape or kill her.’ The rebels ordered my parents and the two other women to move away. The three other child soldiers were about fifteen. Before I got a catheter in 2001, I had no friends, as I smelled too bad. I said I was forced to work for LTTE and didn’t know anything. The rebels said that ‘If we do not take your daughter, we will either rape or kill her.’ The rebels ordered my parents and the two other women to move away. My mother pleaded with them, saying that I was her only child and to leave me with her. My parents, who could hear what was happening, cried but could do nothing to protect me. One of the child combatants was about twelve years. That changed in 2009, and again in 2011, to stipulate a minimum sentence of five years in prison, but no more than seven. The 27-year-old recounts what occurred next distantly, as if she were explaining something that happened to someone else. I also have nightmares and feel discouraged.” They questioned me about my links with the LTTE and asked about my activities. As if rape were different than death,” says Mary, speaking in a safe house in neighboring Uganda run by Make Way Partners, an American Christian organization that provides housing, medical care and schooling for South Sudanese orphans and victims of human trafficking. The rebels said that they wanted to take me away. I was the only young woman and the RUF accused me of having an SLA husband. They beat me, pulled my hair, and banged my head on a wall. The three other child soldiers were about fifteen. The soldiers told Mary that they considered the Nuers in the camps to be rebels, and that they killed her sons because they couldn’t risk letting them grow up to be fighters. They didn’t believe me. The rebels did not use their real names and wore ski masks so only their eyes were visible. I was still a virgin. After the soldiers killed her husband and sons, five of them held her down and forced her to watch as three others raped her 10-year-old daughter. Nyalaat died a few hours later. They lined up, waiting for their turn and watched while I was being raped vaginally and in my anus. I was raped by the ten rebels, one after the other. They beat me with their hands and kicked me with their boots. In Syria, where atrocities against women are many in the midst of civil war, it’s long been legal for a man to murder. They said it would only be for four days, but they kept me for one month and four days.
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