Thursday 22 December 2016

Shocking as dead man comes back to ask for his missing tongue (photo)

There was shock recently when a dead South African man, Posole Mokoena, started demanding for his missing body parts.

38-year-old Posole who was found dead and already been buried, got everyone on their toes, including his family members. According to the Daily Sun SA, the dead man keeps coming back to haunt his family members in their dreams, angrily demanding that his tongue and manhood be given back.

Posole was found dead at a dam with some of his body parts missing. He was buried two months ago, but it appears his spirit cannot find peace.

His granddad Mokete, 87, said his dead grandson from Marquard in the Free State appeared in his dreams, angry and demanding for his missing manhood. He said Posole went missing for a week in October and his decomposing body was found at a nearby dam.

“His private parts were removed and his tongue was also cut off. We had to bury him like that,” Mokete said.

A herbalist, Rakauoane Mamoya said:

“The granddad should order him to go to sleep. They should also perform a cleansing ceremony.”
What a world!

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