Saturday 24 September 2016

Doctor Enekwe Godwin." The importance of vitamins to the body

Vitamins are organic compounds. they are not energy giving food. They are biocatalysts, I.e they promote chemical reactions in the body. Examples are A,B,E,K,D and C.
Here are they importance to human body.
VitaminA: need for proper functioning of epithelial tissue such as skin, mucous membrane., component of visual pigments, need for vision in them light, essential for normal growth.
  Thus, this are the deficiency symptoms. Skin become flaky ( horny and dry )., night blindness and exeropthalmia ( can lead to permanent blindness).

VitaminD. Increase absorption of calcium and phosphorous in the intestine, calcification and hardening of bones and teeth  Deficiency symptoms include ricket in children ( poor bone and teeth formation). Softening of bone in adult

Vitamin E. Protect fatty acids and cell membranes from oxidation. VitaminE has no deficiency symptoms.
Vitamin k. Synthesis of blood clothing factors . the deficiency symptoms is clothing of blood, leading to sever bleeding from cut.

Vitamin B1. Need for synthesis of coenzymes involved in cellular respiration. The deficiency symptoms including beri beri ( wasting of muscles, paralysis ). Stunted growth.
Vitamin B2. Formation of coenzymes involved in cellular respiration. The deficiency symptoms are cracking of skin around corners if nose, mouth and eyes.

Vitamin B3. Formation of coenzyme involved in cellular respiration. The deficiency symptoms are pellagra ( scaly pigmented skin sore mouth and tongue, nervous disorder ).

Vitamin B5. Formation of coenzymes involved in cellular respiration. The deficiency symptoms is disorder of nervous system and gut.
Vitamin B6. Formation of coenzymes involved in synthesis of amino acids. The deficiency symptoms are anemia and diarrhoea.

Vitamin B12. Formation of red blood cells. Deficiency symptoms is anemia.
Folic acid. Responsible for the formation of red blood cells in the body.

Vitamin C. Required for healthy connective tissues, bones and dentine. May help to resist infection. The deficiency symptoms is scurvy( swelling of joints and gums, loosening of teeth, hemorrhage of the skin and membrane.

The doctor in his speech urge Nigerians to eat food that contains vitamins rather than energy giving food. He said, if we eat vitamins food food, we will resist different diseases that attack our body.

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